Abnormal phenomena in the process of reproduction of Magnolia biloba causing this species to be endangered was discussed. 本文初步探讨了凹叶厚朴濒危的生殖生物学原因。
Birth civilization refers to a positive achievement and progressive condition formed in the process of reproduction and it is one of important parts of social civilization. 生育文明是指人口再生产过程中形成的积极成果和进步状态,生育文明是社会文明的重要组成部分。
As the last link of the process of social reproduction, consumption is the important link of sustainable social development. 消费作为社会再生产过程的最终环节,也是一个社会实现可持续发展的重要环节。
From the perspective of political economics, economy has effect on production, consumption and the all-around development of man in the process of social reproduction. 节约在社会再生产过程中具有生产、消费与人的全面发展效应。
In the whole process of reproduction, consumption is not only the termination of producing process but also the beginning of the next reproduction process. 在社会再生产总过程的运行中,消费既是生产过程的终点,也是下一个再生产过程的起点,居于承前启后的关键地位,起着经济循环的先导作用。
The production of a given product is uncertain and the relationship between input and output is of random probability. However, in terms of the continuous process of social reproduction of knowledge products, the production of knowledge products takes on abnormal step increase. 虽然单个知识产品的生产具有不确定性,其投入与产出之间是一种随机概率关系,但就知识产品社会再生产的连续过程来看,则表现为一种不规则的梯级增长。
Chinensis has some inherent adaptation in the full process of reproduction, including flowering, pollination, fertilization, development of embryo and endosperm and the germination of seed, which made it predominated in the Yellow River Delta. 从有性生殖及生态学角度上看,柽柳成为黄河三角洲优势树种有其内在原因,其适应性表现在有性生殖的全过程,包括开花、传粉、受精作用、胚和胚乳的发育及种子的萌发等。
In the process of teaching, to guide students to recreate literary texts is the process of aesthetic reproduction. 在教学中引导学生对文学本文进行再创造,就是美学中的审美再现。
Income distribution is not only a reflection of both the process of social reproduction and the results but also directs the production elements 'allocation and the development of the economy. 收入分配不仅反映社会再生产的过程和结果,而且对要素的合理配置和经济发展有明显的导向作用。
Though aims of investment and consumption are different, differences between investment and production lie in differences of achievement time of capital circulation in the process of social reproduction and achievement of social value. 投资与消费两者的目的不同,投资与生产的区别在于在社会再生产过程中的资金循环和价值实现的时间不同。
Economic growth is a process in which social material wealth is continuously increasing and accumulating, and it is the general character of the dynamic process of social reproduction. 经济增长是社会物质财富不断增加和积累的过程,是一般社会再生产动态过程的共性所在。
During the process of reproduction, microorganism can decompose the organic energy material and transform hard dissolved Phosphorus, so the effective Phosphorus can be protected and the content of soil effective Phosphorus can be increased. 微生物在繁殖过程中降解有机能源物质转化难溶性磷,保护有效磷,使土壤中有效磷含量得以提高。
Whatever labor which offers useful service in the process of social reproduction for sociality such as physical labor, mental work and management are of creative labor. 凡是在社会再生产过程中为社会提供有用服务的活劳动,包括体力劳动、脑力劳动、管理劳动,都是创造价值的生产劳动;
In the process of image reproduction, the quality control is the most important task in order to reproduce the color and the tone of an image. 图像复制过程中的质量控制是实现图像复制颜色再现和阶调再现的最主要工作。
Input-output table simultaneously reflects the distribution direction and value composition of products or services, completely reflects the technical and economic links among the various departments in the process of social reproduction. 投入产出表同时反映了部门产品或劳务的分配使用去向和价值构成,全面反映了社会再生产过程中各部门之间的技术经济联系。
The process of culture reproduction produces the probability in the interest of the systematic evolution, and at the same time, the cultural reproduction means continuous evolution, and promotes our society and culture progress. 文化再生产过程为系统的进化提供了可能,文化的再生产方式不断演进,推动社会、文化的进步。
Agriculture as the foundation industry, because of their inferiority and production process, the particularity in the whole process of reproduction, circulation faces many risks, the risk is typical of inheritance. 农业作为基础产业,由于自身的弱质性和生产过程的特殊性,在整个再生产循环过程中面临着许多风险,是典型的风险产业。
Secondly, Marx focuses on the process of social reproduction through the four aspects of ethical analysis. 其次,着重论述了马克思通过社会再生产过程四环节的伦理分析。
Chinese culture was diverse area-line development in the long historical process of their reproduction formed their own characteristics, which is the development of local music had an important impact. 中华民族的文化以地区为界限呈多样化发展,在长期的历史繁衍过程中各自形成了各自的特点,这对当地的音乐发展产生了重要的影响。
In reality, the system is not a static structure, but a process of structure reproduction, which is not circulation, but creation. 在其现实性上,制度不是一种静态的结构,而是一个不断实现结构再生产的过程,这种再生产不是循环,而是创造。
All of the above, the process of the formation of cyberspace can be understood as a kind process of construction and the process of the reproduction of culture. Has important practical significance, theoretical and historical significance. 赛博空间的形成过程可以理解为一种建构过程和文化再生产过程,具有重要的现实意义、理论意义和历史意义。
On one hand, the adaptation is a process of reproduction and recreation with shackles. Even the shackles are indispensable and formidable, for its great benefits behind it, the adaptation is moving on and becomes more and more popular. 一方面,改编是一次带有枷锁的再创造过程,即使这些镣铐不可避免地产生,又令人敬畏,因为改编背后的巨大利益诱惑,致使改编永无反顾地继续下去,而且愈来愈受到人们的欢迎。
This article is in accordance with the three processes, the internal operation of coding system structure, information dissemination and the influence factors in the process of decoding reproduction of the links are briefly analyzed. 本文就是按照这三个过程,对编码制度结构的内部操作、信息传播过程中的影响因素和解码者再生产的环节进行了简要的分析。
Meanwhile, the process of the ritual events is also the process of the reproduction of the traditional culture and the value view in the villages. 同时仪式性事件的过程也是村落传统文化和价值观的再生产过程。